Agata Maszkiewicz: Polsko

POLSKA is based on sympathy and empathy. Using dance, performance, music and video the show, with a subtle sense of humor, leads the spectators to react physically to what they see. They might think of embarrassment. They surely deal with their own projections. They might think about performance and performativity, about results and success as well as failures and injuries.

The dancer wears a sprinter costume and her body can definitely not escape to its cultural nature.

Concept, dance and choreography: Agata Maszkiewicz
Video, sound and lights: Vincent Tirmarche
Music: Miles Davis “Bitches Brew”, The Rolling Stones “Sympathy for the Devil”, Ensemble from Gabin, Mazovie/Piotr Figurski/Piotr Klys “Oberek”
Production: VierHochDrei/Lisa Schmidt
Diffusion: AUTOMOBILE/Marlies Pucher [email protected]
Coproduction: Workspace Brussels, imagetanz/brut Wien and Art Stations Foundation Poznan

Supported by: Kulturabteilung der Stadt Wien and Bundesministerium fur Unterricht, Kunst und Kultur

Premiere: March 2009, Imagetanz festival, Brut, Vienna

Duration: 35 min

Agata Maszkiewicz

Born in Poland, lives and works in Austria and France. She graduated Institute of Dance Arts at the Anton Bruckner Privatuniversitaet in Linz, Austria and continued her education in a Choreographic Center in Montpellier as a participant of program. She works, among others, with a collective Superamas (You dream, BIG3 happy/end, Casino), Ivana Muller (60 minutes of opportunism), Weronika Szczawinska (Re-volt, Geniusz w golfie, Wars I did not live through) and creates her own work (installation snowflakes in 2008, solo POLSKA in 2009, performance Don Kiewicz & Sancho Waniec in 2011, a dance piece for actors Blue in 2015). She collaborated with Anne Juren, Marian Baillot and Alix Eynaudi on the piece Komposition (2008). In 2008, together with Alix Eynaudi, she created a video-performance The Visitants and later on, in 2009 a piece Long long short long short. Agata was a selected artist of a „modul dance” program with her piece Duel that premiered in TQW in Vienna in 2014. The works of the artists were shown in Austria, Belgium, France, Israel, Hungary, Germany and Czech Republic.

Vincent Tirmarche

Born in 1965, lives in Paris. Between 1986 and 1989 he studied Cinema and Literature (Master and DEA) at the university Jussieu PARIS 7, and in 2002, Digital Arts (DEA) at l’Ecole Supérieur de l’Image, Angoulème, France. Video and Film maker, musician, & performer, he worked and collaborated in France on many theatrical projects since 1988. Since 2000, he is member of the French/Austrian/Belgium collective SUPERAMAS.

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