Tereza Hradilková and coll. – Don’t stop
length: 35 minutes
Calmly survey the hall.
Hold your breath.
Raise your hand.
Wait for silence and for everyone to settle down.
Set the tempo, seize attention, and hold it firmly in your grasp.
In her new project Don’t Stop Tereza Hradilková tests the possibilities of expressing the ungraspable worlds of music, passion, sexuality… The starting point for this topic is the figure of the conductor, a person who seemingly holds the keys to the world of music. Hradilková reveals the desire to control music, she is interested in the moments when she has the situation under control, all the more so when music (passion) dominates and physical expression is at first glance in disharmony. She asks when and how we assume the role of conductor in our own lives, to what extent do we hold passion under control and when does passion have control over us. Who is the conductor within us?