Open call 2025

The Cabin Studio established in 2023 is a centre for artistic residencies run under the patronage of Studio Hrdinů. The Cabin occupies the building of a former gamekeeper’s lodge located in Pěčice, Mladá Boleslav, and offers space for concentrated work on projects in all stages of development in the disciplines of dance, sonic arts, performance, visual arts and literature.

The residents have at their disposal the cabin’s studio (6,5 x 8 m) with basic technical equipment. If desired, there is also a possibility of accommodation (for up to ten people) as well as boarding.

We offer residencies in the fields of:

DANCE AND PHYSICAL THEATRE – up to 4 three-week residencies; the possibility of a project presentation at the close of the residency

LITERATURE – up to 4 six-week residencies, the possibility of a project presentation/reflection – public reading, discussion, &c. – in the course / at the close of the residency

VISUAL ARTS – up to 5 three-week residencies for a plein air practice and computer animation

MUSIC/ SONIC ARTS – up to 4 three-week residencies; the possibility of a project performance at the close of the residency

RESIDENCY FOR CULTURAL PROFESSIONALS – up to 4 five-day residencies for independent culture managing teams

SPECIAL MUSIC RESIDENCY FOR SANATORIUM SONORUM FESTIVAL – up to 4 six-week residencies; a public performance at the close of the residency (for more information, please see below)

Our goal is to support emerging as well as established professional artists in the fields of physical and mimic theatre, music and sonic arts, dance, performance and other closely related non-verbal genres.

The residencies in the field of dance and physical theater will take place from mid-April to October 2024. Other residencies can be organized whole year through. 

We ask the applicants to submit:

– their CV

– link to their website / portfolio in the PDF format

– letter of motivation as well as the statement of artistic intent for the residency including the potential public presentation of the residency’s outcome (2500 characters max.)

– preferred date and length of the prospective residency

Contact: [email protected]

Jan Horák, +420 603 342 045

Submission deadline: October 22nd, 2024 

The results will be announced in November 2024.

The residents are offered accommodation and space for their practice. Financial participation of the residents amounts to 12 Euro per day for the studio and 6 Euro per day for logging.

Depending on the possibilities of the funding the residents have to take into account they might also have to cover their travel costs and boarding.



NORMA is an international festival of theatre and contemporary art organized by Studio Hrdinů, a Prague-based theatre.

The NORMA festival presents original theatre projects dealing with trends and topics that have been of concern to the artists across generations and theatre genres. An important dimension of the festival is the close interconnection between theatre and visual arts, apparent in both particular theatre productions and visual art performances. This relationship is mutually beneficial: it is common for conceptual artists to reach beyond the range of the visual arts and thus theatre presents an exciting challenge for them; on the other hand, theatre-makers can find inspiration, transcend their field and discover an open-minded and fresh approach to their work.

Each edition of the festival presents an original performance designed for the festival and discussed with the festival dramaturge. The result of the residency is a 40-60 minute-long performance which can but needn’t be shown only once during the festival. Festival Norma takes place annually in Studiu Hrdinů in Prague in November.



Residence for musicians and sonic artists in the former Pěčická hájovna, where the Czech composer Bedřich Smetana once lived. The resulting works will be presented as part of the Sanatorium Sonorum festival.
As part of the residency for Sanatorium Sonorum, we would like to welcome innovative creators dealing with contemporary music, music production and sonic arts. The festival aims to present the latest practices and technologies in music and sound creation and to spread awareness about them. It thus follows on from Smetana legacy of spreading musical education. During the residency, selected artists can work on works of an experimental nature, instrument development, sound installations, compositions or performances, advanced techniques of playing instruments, etc. The resulting presentation of the work as part of the Sanatorium sonorum festival, which will take place in the vicinity of Cabin Studio in Pěčice in the second half of August 2026, should last approximately 40 minutes.

To residents selected for residencies in the context of the Norma festival and Sanatorium Sonorum, we offer:
partially equipped sound studio (technical requirements will be individually consulted with each resident)
payment of transport to and from the place of residence
possibility of using musical instruments from local music school

What to submit?
personal details (name, place of residence, contact details)
artistic portfolio proving relevant artistic experience
short description of the specific project to be developed

Submit to:
[email protected]

Submission deadline: October 22nd, 2024
